I live for the dead.

I live for the dead…


We’re tied together with the chains of DNA,

Thousands of ancestors can hear what I say;

Their presence I feel wherever I may be;

My actions through my eyes I know they can see.


What I learn and what I do, they understand.

Tied together forever through a DNA strand.

My love and compassion washes ancient sin,

The anger and confusion are gone from my kin.


The souls of my fathers have ceased binding me down,

I can see clearly their faces, they all have a crown.

The souls of my mothers, no longer weep and cry.

Their strength and their trust gives me wings with witch I fly.


I live for the dead, and the dead died for me.

This life what I have may light what they see.

13 thoughts on “I live for the dead.

  1. This is incredible. Wow, this speaks volumes to me. In my culture we believe our ancestors play a big role in who we are. Thank you for writing something so beautiful!

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